Source code for flask_allows.additional

from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import wraps

from werkzeug.local import LocalProxy, LocalStack

_additional_ctx_stack = LocalStack()

__all__ = ("current_additions", "Additional", "AdditionalManager")

def current_additions():
    Proxy to the currently added requirements
    rv =
    if rv is None:
        return None
    return rv[1]

def _isinstance(f):
    def check(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, Additional):
            return NotImplemented
        return f(self, other)

    return check

[docs]class Additional(object): """ Container object that allows to run extra requirements on checks. These additional requirements will be run at most once per check and will occur in no guarenteed order. Requirements can be added by passing them into the constructor or by calling the ``add`` method. They can be removed from this object by calling the ``remove`` method. To check if a requirement has been added to the current conext, you may call ``is_added`` or use ``in``:: some_req in additional additional.is_added(some)req) Additional objects can be iterated and length checked:: additional = Additional(some_req) assert len(additional) == 1 assert list(additional) == [some_req] Additional objects may be combined and compared to each other with the following operators: ``+`` creates a new additional object by combining two others, the new additional supplies all requirements that both parents did. ``+=`` similar to ``+`` except it is an inplace update. ``-`` creates a new additional instance by removing any requirements from the first instance that are contained in the second instance. ``-=`` similar to ``-`` except it is an inplace update. ``==`` compares two additional instances and returns true if both have the same added requirements. ``!=`` similar to ``!=`` except returns true if both have different requirements contained in them. """ def __init__(self, *requirements): self._requirements = set(requirements) def add(self, requirement, *requirements): self._requirements.update((requirement,) + requirements) def remove(self, requirement, *requirements): self._requirements.difference_update((requirement,) + requirements) @_isinstance def __add__(self, other): requirements = self._requirements | other._requirements return Additional(*requirements) @_isinstance def __iadd__(self, other): if len(other._requirements) > 0: self._requirements.add(*other._requirements) return self @_isinstance def __sub__(self, other): requirements = self._requirements - other._requirements return Additional(*requirements) @_isinstance def __isub__(self, other): if len(other._requirements) > 0: self.remove(*other._requirements) return self @_isinstance def __eq__(self, other): return self._requirements == other._requirements @_isinstance def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __iter__(self): return iter(self._requirements) def is_added(self, requirement): return requirement in self._requirements def __contains__(self, requirement): return self.is_added(requirement) def __len__(self): return len(self._requirements) def __bool__(self): return len(self) != 0 __nonzero__ = __bool__ def __repr__(self): return "Additional({!r})".format(self._requirements)
[docs]class AdditionalManager(object): """ Used to manage the process of adding and removing additional requirements to be run. This class shouldn't be used directly, instead use ``allows.additional`` to access these controls. """
[docs] def push(self, additional, use_parent=False): """ Binds an additional to the current context, optionally use the current additionals in conjunction with this additional If ``use_parent`` is true, a new additional is created from the parent and child additionals rather than manipulating either directly. """ current = self.current if use_parent and current: additional = current + additional _additional_ctx_stack.push((self, additional))
[docs] def pop(self): """ Pops the latest additional context. If the additional context was pushed by a different additional manager, a ``RuntimeError`` is raised. """ rv = _additional_ctx_stack.pop() if rv is None or rv[0] is not self: raise RuntimeError( "popped wrong additional context ({} instead of {})".format(rv, self) )
@property def current(self): """ Returns the current additional context if set otherwise None """ try: return[1] except TypeError: return None
[docs] @contextmanager def additional(self, additional, use_parent=False): """ Allows temporarily pushing an additional context, yields the new context into the following block. """ self.push(additional, use_parent) yield self.current self.pop()