Source code for flask_allows.overrides

from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import wraps

from werkzeug.local import LocalProxy, LocalStack

_override_ctx_stack = LocalStack()

__all__ = ("current_overrides", "Override", "OverrideManager")

def current_overrides():
    Proxy to the currently pushed override context.
    rv =
    if rv is None:
        return None
    return rv[1]

def _isinstance(f):
    def check(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, Override):
            return NotImplemented
        return f(self, other)

    return check

[docs]class Override(object): """ Container object that allows selectively disabling requirements. Requirements can be disabled by passing them to the constructor or by calling the ``add`` method. They can be re-enabled by calling the ``remove`` method. To check if a requirement is currently disabled, you may call either ``is_overridden`` or use ``in``. Override objects can be combined and compared to each other with the following operators: ``+`` creates a new overide object by combining two others, the new override overrides all requirements that both parents did. ``+=`` similar to ``+`` except it is an inplace update. ``-`` creates a new override instance by removing any overrides from the first instance that are contained in the second instance. ``-=`` similar to ``-`` except it is an inplace update ``==`` compares two overrides and returns true if both have the same disabled requirements. ``!=`` similar to ``==`` except returns true if both have different disabled requirements. """ def __init__(self, *requirements): self._requirements = set(requirements)
[docs] def add(self, requirement, *requirements): """ Adds one or more requirements to the override context. """ self._requirements.update((requirement,) + requirements)
[docs] def remove(self, requirement, *requirements): """ Removes one or more requirements from the override context. """ self._requirements.difference_update((requirement,) + requirements)
[docs] def is_overridden(self, requirement): """ Checks if a particular requirement is current overridden. Can also be used as ``in``:: override = Override() override.add(is_admin) override.is_overridden(is_admin) # True is_admin in override # True """ return requirement in self._requirements
def __contains__(self, other): return self.is_overridden(other) @_isinstance def __add__(self, other): requirements = self._requirements | other._requirements return Override(*requirements) @_isinstance def __iadd__(self, other): if len(other._requirements) > 0: self.add(*other._requirements) return self @_isinstance def __sub__(self, other): requirements = self._requirements - other._requirements return Override(*requirements) @_isinstance def __isub__(self, other): if len(other._requirements) > 0: self.remove(*other._requirements) return self @_isinstance def __eq__(self, other): return self._requirements == other._requirements @_isinstance def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __len__(self): return len(self._requirements) def __bool__(self): return len(self) != 0 __nonzero__ = __bool__ def __repr__(self): return "Override({!r})".format(self._requirements)
[docs]class OverrideManager(object): """ Used to manage the process of overriding and removing overrides. This class shouldn't be used directly, instead use ``allows.overrides`` to access these controls. """
[docs] def push(self, override, use_parent=False): """ Binds an override to the current context, optionally use the current overrides in conjunction with this override If ``use_parent`` is true, a new override is created from the parent and child overrides rather than manipulating either directly. """ current = self.current if use_parent and current: override = current + override _override_ctx_stack.push((self, override))
[docs] def pop(self): """ Pops the latest override context. If the override context was pushed by a different override manager, a ``RuntimeError`` is raised. """ rv = _override_ctx_stack.pop() if rv is None or rv[0] is not self: raise RuntimeError( "popped wrong override context ({} instead of {})".format(rv, self) )
@property def current(self): """ Returns the current override context if set otherwise None """ try: return[1] except TypeError: return None
[docs] @contextmanager def override(self, override, use_parent=False): """ Allows temporarily pushing an override context, yields the new context into the following block. """ self.push(override, use_parent) yield self.current self.pop()